Information about measured flow data from wednesday, August 13, 1997 by Søren Torp Pedersen and JAJ. Data measured on PM from the audio output of the scanner Scanner: B&K Ultrasound Systems type 3535 Duplex mode scanning. Transducer: B&K 8556, 3.2 MHz linear array probe B-mode gain: 38% RES: 5 Measurement one: Name: car_tran1.wav Place: Carotis, transverse scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 4.2 cm/s Depth of measurement: 2.1 cm Angle between flow and beam: 52 deg. (not usefull) Range gate: 2 mm 10.34 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: car_tran2.wav Place: Carotis, transverse scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 4.2 cm/s Depth of measurement: 2.1 cm Angle between flow and beam: 52 deg. (not usefull) Range gate: 2 mm 10.62 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: car_tran3.wav Place: Carotis, transverse scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 4.2 cm/s Depth of measurement: 2.1 cm Angle between flow and beam: 52 deg. (not usefull) Range gate: 2 mm 10.51 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: car_long1.wav Place: Carotis, longitudinal scan Doppler gain: 67% Pulse repetition frequency: 6 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 5.2 cm/s Depth of measurement: 2.1 cm Angle between flow and beam: 60 deg. Range gate: 2 mm 10.48 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: hepa_long1.wav Place: Hepatic vein, longitudinal scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 2.5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 2.6 cm/s Depth of measurement: 4.6 cm Angle between flow and beam: 12 deg. Range gate: 2 mm 10.50 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: porta_long1.wav Place: portal vein, longitudinal scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 2.5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 6.5 cm/s Depth of measurement: 6.2 cm Angle between flow and beam: 66 deg. Range gate: 2 mm 10.49 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: aorta_tran1.wav Place: Aorta, transverse scan Doppler gain: 67% Pulse repetition frequency: 5 kHz (uncertain) Wall filter: cut-off at 6.5 cm/s Depth of measurement: 6.1 cm Angle between flow and beam: 66 deg. (not usefull) Range gate: 2 mm 10.52 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples Name: aorta_long1.wav Place: Aorta, longitudinal scan Doppler gain: 53% Pulse repetition frequency: 5 kHz Wall filter: cut-off at 6.3 cm/s Depth of measurement: 5.5 cm Angle between flow and beam: 67 deg. (uncertain) Range gate: 2 mm 10.46 s measurement 8 kHz sampling, stereo, 16 bits samples